Is leadership in crisis? Yes, says new survey
Results from a new Barna report reveal some shocking statistics about what Christians say are important leadership qualities. What is Foursquare doing to build healthy leaders?
News + Resources
Results from a new Barna report reveal some shocking statistics about what Christians say are important leadership qualities. What is Foursquare doing to build healthy leaders?
More than 675 Foursquare men and women have participated in our FEMA-approved disaster relief training sessions, increasing our ability to offer immediate, effective help when catastrophe strikes.
The targets outlined in our movement's Four-Stage Development Model are the "what" that drives our efforts and invests our resources.
As we have worked through a thoughtful process of realignment during the past two years, several key changes have been made in NextGen, ForeRunners and Hispanic ministries.
As students of all ages gear up for the new school year, we take a look at Foursquare's role in education and leadership development.
Foursquare General Supervisor Tammy Dunahoo challenges pastors to remember the fundamental assignment of the ministry and spend time with the Lord to determine if that assignment is being fulfilled.
Foursquare General Supervisor Tammy Dunahoo introduces Pastor Stephan Cecil of The Journey in Madison, Wisconsin. Stephan shares a recent encounter with God and how a word from the Lord changed his life.
When an unexpected tragedy hit our denomination recently, Tammy Dunahoo found that saying we are a family is not simply a stated value, but an actual value we live out every day.
Do They See Him?