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In recent weeks while seeking God for direction regarding next steps for our future, my ear was carefully attuned for His voice. I’ve learned through the years that when life and ministry become difficult and fear or questions rise, it is the “word from God” that keeps my feet, mind and heart established and courageous. My decisions will not keep me, but His call holds me steady! Through 30 years of ministry there have been a variety of encounters with Him while seeking His face. These mark a pathway that when reflecting back on them, give me continued confidence to walk in His word for today.
I’d like to introduce you to Stephan Cecil, church plant pastor of The Journey in Madison, Wis. This missional church regularly supports an orphanage in Haiti and is now rebuilding it after it was destroyed in the earthquake last February. Steve shares a recent encounter with God that has given him direction and confidence in his journey much like I was describing in my own.
Let’s read Steve’s firsthand description:
Not long ago I drove to my usual spot: you know, my favorite place to seek God. I got out of the car, gazed at the beautiful view, and began my walk through the woods. It had been a while since my last visit to my favorite spot; I’ve been just a little busy, I guess. But, there I was, and I was excited to connect with God.
I started off into the woods and immediately heard God speak to me: “You do your part and I’ll do mine, and this is your part… being with Me.” I was shocked to so quickly and clearly hear God speak, because sometimes I sit for hours and hear nothing. I guess He really wanted me to know this.
He then flashed four words through my mind that I will never forget, as He was revealing to me what His part would be…
- Fullness – full of His Spirit, life, purpose, and love
- Freedom – from sin, guilt, doubt, fear
- Focus – giving attention to the right things at the right time
- Fruitfulness – producing eternal results
It’s everything I long for and He was showing me how to obtain it. I am receiving these things in increasing measure, but I have also found something better: an amazing friendship with a loving God and I wouldn’t trade that friendship for anything in the world.
Seek God in your favorite place today. You’ll be glad you did. I promise!
Tammy Dunahoo is Foursquare General Supervisor and Stephan Cecil is pastor of The Journey Foursquare Church in Madison, Wis.