In recent months, we have outlined the realignment of the National Church Office. Last month we gave an overview of the current structure of Leadership Care, Education and Leadership Development, and Church Health and Multiplication; we communicated that we would be giving more definition in the ensuing months. Because this is the time of year students return to school, it seems appropriate to describe the role of Education and Leadership Development. Dan Hedges and Tim Mossholder focus on the following five areas.
Christian schools, preschools and daycares
A high priority is ensuring that our churches have the assistance needed to operate local schools, preschools and daycares in compliance with all federal, state and local regulations. Dan Hedges and Beth Mead provide consultation on the many facets of operating these institutions, including the initial planning, board approval process and annual reporting. They also provide information regarding the closure process for schools and daycares that are ending operation.
Ministry institutes
We currently have 37 board-certified institutes, with several more in the pipeline. Angelus Bible Institute graduated 86 students this year and has opened 17 branch schools to date.
College consultation
Dan Hedges provides consultation on a variety of issues pertaining to our Foursquare colleges, including academics and accreditation.
Emerging Leader Network (ELN)
Tim Mossholder led the way in acquiring a Foursquare Foundation grant for leadership development focused on ELN. Currently we have five new ELN affiliate programs receiving assistance to launch; seven districts are receiving assistance to host gatherings for pastors and young leaders in order to promote the further development of ELN. This local church ministry combines education, hands-on ministry training and immersion discipleship for young leaders. The U.S. currently has 20 programs, and numerous others are in the planning stages.
This ministry has completed its three-year launch plan, and conversations are now taking place regarding the best location for the long-term future and sustainability of Ignite. Eighty students have completed the program, and 29 of those are continuing their education at Life Pacific College. The teams have served in some 13 countries, with glowing reports specifically from Beto and Teri Paz in South Africa regarding the teams’ maturity and servant hearts. Beginning in fall 2011, the Ignite components will be integrated into the LPC experience. Mike Larkin will move the Ignite experience—as it has been established—to another campus, possibly in the eastern U.S. Be watching for that announcement! We often are asked what the difference is between ELN and Ignite. The main difference is that ELN is a local church-based ministry; Ignite is an institutional campus-based ministry.
Our main priority for this next season is to focus on leadership training, both pre-service and in-service. We will be identifying a variety of means to do so and engaging and partnering with many fruitful practitioners in the strategic planning and implementation. If you are interested in opening a ministry institute or ELN through your local church, or if you have students interested in the above opportunities, please contact the appropriate person listed below:
- Dan Hedges (Institutes, College Consultations)
- Tim Mossholder (Emerging Leader Network)
- Mike Larkin (Ignite)
- Robert Flores (Life Pacific College)
Jesus said the harvest is ready, but the laborers are few. Let’s prepare as many leaders as possible to equip the church to reach that harvest!
By: Tammy Dunahoo, general supervisor of The Foursquare Church