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Leadership is in a heap of trouble, according to new research conducted by the Barna Group in partnership with Brad Lomenick, president of Catalyst. Released April 18, their report, “Christians on Leadership, Calling and Career,” states that 82 percent of Christian adults believe the U.S. is facing a leadership crisis in part because there simply aren’t enough leaders.

But lack of qualified leaders wasn’t the only issue uncovered by the survey of 1,116 randomly chosen Christian adults from across the country.

Ironically, although 58 percent of Christians surveyed identified themselves as leaders, only 15 percent of them said that integrity is their primary leadership trait—even though 64 percent also had stated that integrity is one of the most important qualities a leader should possess.

Forty percent said authenticity is vital, followed by discipline (38 percent) and passion for God (31 percent). Only 7 percent listed humility as most important, and a mere 5 percent said that purpose is key.

What is The Foursquare Church doing to address the leadership crisis in our nation and to shape healthy leaders in our movement?

General Supervisor Tammy Dunahoo notes that the first of Foursquare’s Five Targets, Leader Support, focuses on training and sending healthy, multiplying leaders, both locally and globally.

“We are networking training opportunities and residency churches for more leaders to be equipped and sent,” Tammy explains. “Our training focuses on 12 core competencies with “heart,” “head” and “hand” as the framework. Most important is the heart, where passion for God, integrity, authenticity and humility are shaped. Also important is how we think (head) about God, Scripture, life and ministry, and having the skill sets and competencies for effectiveness (hand).”

Tammy believes that to believe in, mentor, train and send young leaders is one of the greatest endeavors to which older leaders can devote their lives. Our culture, she says, is “crying out for leaders who will embody and proclaim, like David, ‘Is there not a cause?’ (1 Sam. 19:29, NKJV), leaders who say, ‘Let’s do this together,’ and whose public and private lives are the same.”

She encourages Foursquare leaders to model the values healthy leadership comprises as they mentor a new generation of leaders.

“No matter how young or old you are,” Tammy affirms, “there is someone coming behind you. Look around. See them, love them, help shape them, send them. The world is waiting.”