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Transitions are part of life, and our Foursquare family has just experienced a difficult one. At times it seemed that we were in a dark tunnel, yet we were never without God’s presence and encouragement.
Transitions cause us to evaluate our circumstances and seek answers beyond ourselves. The transition we have just traversed has given rise to increased levels of trust in God and a conscious decision to be faithful and finish the course. I am contending for a season of clarity and consistency as we focus on God’s future for The Foursquare Church.
The Lord has impressed upon me anew the vision of a field white and ready for harvest. John 4:35 states: “ ‘Lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!’ ” (NKJV). In that regard, the Lord has given me a dream—Five Targets—that I feel are to shape our immediate future.
Target #1: Leaders—What if every leader were well-equipped? I dream of a culture of discipleship in which intentional leadership training is our highest priority? Why not?
Target #2: Churches—What if every church were healthy and reproducing? I dream of a church multiplication culture and a sustainable multiplication strategy that is well-resourced, producing a 10 percent increase in church plants annually. Why not?
Target #3: Nations—What if every nation were reached? I dream of a global partnership of Foursquare churches working together to reach the world, a strategy that builds bridges and enlists creative, cutting-edge programs to reach to the unreached. Why not?
Target #4: People Groups—What if every people group were enfranchised? I dream of multicultural and multigenerational congregations meeting in every Foursquare facility in our nation, providing all cultures and generations the opportunity to lead and contribute. Why not?
Target #5: Resources—What if every opportunity were resourced? I dream that the administrative costs of The Foursquare Church be covered through an innovative income stream, enabling 100 percent of the tithe we receive to go toward mission. Why not?
A dream that asks the questions, “What if?” and “Why not?” lays the foundation for hope and faith within our hearts. The Lord delights in people who are expectant, who have a living hope that opens the way for His miraculous response. God has not given us the spirit of a widow, who might assume her best days are behind her; He has given us the spirit of a bride, who trusts that the best days are ahead.
There is no freeway to the future, no paved highway from here to tomorrow. There is no roadmap, no signposts. We surely face uncertain terrain. But we rely on the compass of the Spirit and the Word—and a dream that God has placed in our hearts.
DISCOVER MORE » This article is adapted from the message given by Foursquare President Glenn Burris Jr. on Tuesday morning, May 31, at Connection 2011 in Columbus, Ohio. The full presentation and all of the convention sessions are available in the Foursquare 2011 Experience Kit for $149. Additional items, including individual sessions, are also available for purchase online.