Video: Cultural relevance and intelligence
Shared Mission Director Emily Plater shares a Tuesday Tune Up on partnering and communicating across cultures.
News + Resources
Shared Mission Director Emily Plater shares a Tuesday Tune Up on partnering and communicating across cultures.
Wendy Nolasco, senior director of U.S. Mission and general supervisor, shares her favorite leadership growth resources.
It's not just the latest trend. The Four-Stage Development Model is a highly functional and strategic framework for helping churches—regardless of size or style—do what Jesus wants them to do.
Stop competing with church attendance averages and focus on your grace capacity instead.
Learn how to climb off the plateau of ministry stagnation in this video with Pastor Mike Kai. (31 minutes)
Jerry Dirmann talks about Strategies for multiplying churches and movements. (23 minutes)
If we want to multiply and see revival, we must be willing to give something away and subtract.
Miles McPherson shares a simple strategy to becoming a church that transforms your city, in this inspiring video from Foursquare Connection 2015. (48 minutes)
When Tina Spellman became senior pastor of a small Foursquare church in Georgia, it was with the goal of changing from a traditional church to a missional one that would transform the community of Adairsville.