Thirty years ago, I thought I would retire and live in the U.S. However, our Lord Jesus Christ called my wife and me to become pastors in Mexico.

Like Moses, who obeyed God and began to experience the “Invisible God,” my family and I also began experiencing and delighting in our Lord.

Hebrews 11:27 states: “By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered because he saw Him who is invisible” (NIV). Moses began to see God’s miracles. Some of them were meant to strengthen his faith and to personally experience the invisible God.

For 28 years, we have pastored more than 10,000 families with substance abuse or gang-related problems. We never imagined working with this population because my family and I did not grow up in that environment. Nevertheless, we were obedient. Up to this day, we enjoy seeing how the Invisible One has healed and restored so many families, and how they are currently serving in ministry.

Moses crossed the Red Sea, and then he walked through a vast desert. Eventually he arrived at Marah, where he found bitter water (Exo. 15:22-25). In our journey, we have also encountered bitter and very difficult moments. One of those moments was when my daughter, Marely, was diagnosed with cancer and was told she had only seven months to live.

I cried to the Invisible One and asked Him to take her with Him and, in return, I would serve Him with all my heart without complaining. However, my Lord did something even greater. Twelve hours later, as I was talking with the oncologist, the large tumor started to vanish, and Marely was cleared of cancer. We saw the Invisible God, and we experienced Him on a personal level. Marely’s healing was a great testimony to doctors, our family and our friends.

There is no such thing as confusion in obedience. I now understand that the success of Christians is obedience. We walk in obedience. Even when we do not like the command, we follow it. In the most difficult moments, God will always have the appropriate answer and will even surprise us with miracles.

There are people who ask me, “What if God had let your daughter die? What would you have done?” My reply is and will always be the same: “I would still serve Him wholeheartedly because my daughter would’ve died seeing the Invisible God.”

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that we immediately say “Yes, Lord” and obey when God calls us to do something.
  2. Pray that we delight in obedience in order to see the Invisible God.
  3. Pray that we will not lose sight of the Invisible God when we go through our deserts and find bitter water.
  4. Pray that our families have their eyes fixed on the Invisible God every day of their lives.

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