Mark Slomka has been appointed supervisor of the Western District
Following 100 days of prayer and fasting in the Western District, Mark Slomka has been appointed supervisor and will transition to the role on Oct. 15, 2023.
News + Resources
Following 100 days of prayer and fasting in the Western District, Mark Slomka has been appointed supervisor and will transition to the role on Oct. 15, 2023.
NextGen regional pastors and area leaders help develop and grow future leaders in the Northwest District of The Foursquare Church
Regional Mission Mobilizers are your first point of contact for sending to the mission field with Foursquare Missions International
Our movement is seeing an extension of the span of leadership care to the districts delivered through regional pastors and area pastors.
Our movement is seeing an extension of the span of leadership care to the districts delivered through regional pastors and area pastors.
Our movement is seeing an extension of the span of leadership care to the districts delivered through regional pastors and area pastors.
Our movement is seeing an extension of the span of leadership care to the districts delivered through regional pastors and area pastors.
Our movement is seeing an extension of the span of leadership care to the districts delivered through regional pastors and area pastors.
Our movement is seeing an extension of the span of leadership care to the districts delivered through regional pastors and area pastors.These roles are essential to the vibrant life that marks Foursquare.