Day 9: Doing vs being

January 9, 2019

Day 8: Soul care

January 8, 2019

Day 7: Delivered and healed

January 7, 2019

Day 6: Perseverance for the journey

January 6, 2019

Day 5: Laborers in the harvest

January 5, 2019

Day 4: Healing and restoration

January 4, 2019

Day 3: Fully restored by Jesus

January 3, 2019

Day 2: Spiritual vs. soul care

January 2, 2019

Day 1: Repentance is the key

January 1, 2019

Why prayer and fasting are more crucial than ever

November 2, 2018

‘Restored by Jesus’ is Foursquare’s theme for 2019

September 24, 2018