Are you motivated to help someone even if the odds of them being appreciative is slim to none?

Even if you receive thanks two out of 10 times, you’re doing better than Jesus did. Luke 17:11-19 tells how Jesus healed 10 lepers while passing through Galilee and Samaria. Only one out of the 10 lepers returned to thank Jesus, though He provided for all of them through the miracle of healing. By His power, their shame and isolation vanished. Their lives, formerly colored by a debilitating and isolating disease, were transformed.

But Jesus never healed to receive thanks. He did it because He cared. And that motivation is what matters most.

Working in ministry, it’s easy to get wrapped up in validation and the praise from others. To become more like Christ, we must examine our motivations and serve with love.

Reflect + Pray

1. What is motivating you today? Prayerfully consider those in your life who need ministering to, particularly those you may be overlooking.

2. Consider miracles you have experienced and prayerfully reflect on God’s goodness to you.

3. Reflect on your own spirit of gratitude. Thank God for the transformative work He has done and continues to do in and through you.

4. Ask God to bless Foursquare missionaries who are currently deployed, and to provide inroads to share the Good News with the unreached people groups of the world. Download the FMI monthly prayer guide here.

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