A report from the Foursquare president, 13,399 reported water baptisms, increased net assets and more are all included in the Foursquare 2020 business overview, which was presented to the Foursquare cabinet in March 2020. Take time to review the presentations and PDF reports from the president, national church office, Foursquare Missions International, operations, and the financial team.

President’s report

In his final report as president of The Foursquare Church, Glenn Burris Jr. takes a personal approach to looking back over 28 years serving the corporate side of the Foursquare movement. His report captures a journey that has been marked by God’s love and faithfulness, and it has been supported by the love, godly prayers and kingdom partnership of ministers around the world.

National church office report

Tammy Dunahoo reports that 103,032 people made the decision to follow Jesus through the U.S. Foursquare ministry in 2019. That number increased with an additional 2,971 decisions for Christ at Foursquare camps. There were 13,399 reported water baptisms and 10,228 Holy Spirit baptisms. She is particularly excited about the 26 different language groups that self-identified in Foursquare churches in the U.S., accurately reflecting that “the world is at home in our neighborhoods.”

Missions report

Foursquare Missions International (FMI) celebrates that 2019 was a record year for sending workers. “This isn’t the result of slick recruiting tactics or ‘lowering the bar’ on our part, but rather the response to prayers we’ve all been making that the Lord of the harvest would send workers out,” Ted Vail says. “More people than ever are going to the least reached and marginalized.”

Operations report

Nearly 80 administrative employees serve The Foursquare Church under the leadership of Adam Davidson. This team stewards the systems and processes that provide the organizational foundation so that missional opportunities may thrive in our local ministries.

Financial report

In 2019, Ron Thigpenn reports The Foursquare Church experienced another year of God’s financial blessing as net assets increased by $16.5 million. This increase included a 2.4 percent rise in member church extension tithe revenue, from $32.9 million to $33.7 million. For the fifth year in a row, over $6 million of extension tithe was returned to local churches to be used for missional purposes in expanding the kingdom.