As pastors, our greatest privilege and responsibility is to steward the growth and development of the people God has entrusted to us. Foursquare has curated a library of actionable tools and resources around this very topic as we grow together on mission. The disciple, discover, develop and deploy leadership development resources are designed to support you in all areas of ministry as you disciple others and grow in your own discipleship journey.

Discovering resources

Training and resources to help you discern your unique identity and calling in the body of Christ.


Foursquare Discovery Journey
The Foursquare Discovery Journey is facilitated by a trusted team of Foursquare Discovery Guides trained to help you discern and articulate the unique identity and calling God has placed on your life. The Journey is ideal for any age or stage of leadership whether an emerging leader, an existing leader, or a leader in a season of transition. The experience is designed to help you determine who God has created you to be and what your next ministry steps might look like. 


Courses designed to help you lead others through their calling discovery journey

Younique Primer
6-8 week calling discovery journey ideal for ages 18 and older. The tool can be used in your local context to lead others through an identity and calling discovery process. All resources are free and include videos and workbook materials for participants and trainers in English and Spanish. Learn more. 

Younique Students (13-18 year olds)
Calling disovery journey for 13–18-year-olds. Like the Younique Primer, this tool can be used in your local context to lead your NextGen students through an identity and calling discovery process. All resources are free and include videos and workbook materials for participants and trainers. Learn more. 

Focused Living
Online course from Leader Breakthru University designed to help you clarify God’s call on your life through determining values, a being statement, and a doing statement that together form your personal calling statement. The cost is $29.99 and can be taken by individuals or as a group experience. Learn more. 

Calling Courses by Steve Schell
3 courses, designed for a 12-week semester, written by Steve Schell: hearing God’s call, discovering God’s gifts and developing Godly character. Email Steve to request PDF resources.

Books + articles

Learn more about the calling discovery journey

Find Your Place: Locating Your Calling Through Your Gifts, Passions, and Story by Rob Wegner, Brian Phipps​
Written to help followers of Jesus locate three signals in discerning their personal calling: gifts, passions, and story. From there, readers are equipped to take meaningful next steps to engage that calling. Learn more. 

Younique: Designing the Life that God Dreamed for You by Will Mancini​
Your divine design—God’s design for your life—is more knowable than you realize. With the right tools, you can discover your life vision and align your life vocation. You can and should know your Life Younique—your God-given identity and your God-inspired dreams. This book will help you discern and design the practical next steps to get there. Learn more. 

Awakening: Awakening to the Call of God by Terry Walling​
Times of transition have been orchestrated by God himself to launch the journey toward greater clarity, focus and identification of personal calling. Awakening has been written to help a Christ-follower to navigate this first of three defining moments in his or journey. The focus of Awakening helps clarify life direction, values and purpose. Learn more. 

Deciding: Clarifying Your Kingdom Contribution by Terry Walling​
Written for those in the mid-stage of life who resonate with the frustration of living in the in-between. Identified by a sense that God is at work doing something new, but lacking the insight into what that might be, or what may lie ahead. Terry Walling speaks to the “deciding transition” moment and helps readers take the next step. Learn more. 

The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life by Oz Guiness
A classic, reflective work on life’s purpose. Why am I here? What is God’s call in my life? How do I fit God’s call with my own individuality? How should God’s calling affect my career, my plans for the future, my concepts of success? Guinness helps readers discover answers to these questions, and more, through a corresponding workbook – perfect for individual or group study. Learn more. 

Three Dimensions of Call
Article offered by Fuller Theological Seminary on the three facets of calling. Learn more. 

Suggested assessments

Tools to help you and your team better understand their unique contribution.

APEST Assessment 
A personal vocational ministry assessment. Available for $10 in multiple languages. APEST stands for the Apostolic, Prophetic, Evangelistic, Shepherding, and Teaching intelligence that Jesus gifted to his body (as named in Ephesians 4, and seen present through scripture). Learn more. 

StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath
In StrengthsFinder 2.0, Gallup unveils the new and improved version of its popular assessment, language of 34 themes, and much more. Learn more. 

Myers-Briggs personality test (free tests can be found online)
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment builds an understanding of strengths and blind spots. It also helps people understand how they might differ from one another. It is valuable for individuals and teams as they tackle such challenges as communication, handling conflict, managing change, making decisions, being a leader, or changing careers.

Core Values Index 
A simple, accurate tool to improve self-awareness and align assignments with innate nature. This is a helpful assessment for individuals and teams who want to learn more about their core values and how these affect how team members can best serve one another. Comprehensive report available for $49.95. Learn more. 

Working Genius
Online assessment for discovering your gifts. Available for $25. Based on the bestseller by Patrick Lencioni, “The 6 types of Working Genius” is a model that helps people discover their natural gifts and thrive in their work and life. This 10-minute assessment and custom report provides detailed insights along with an easy-to-use application section that will help you leverage this information in your work, on your team and in your life. Learn more.