Beginning in my earliest ministry role as a Bible study leader at UCLA, I did my best to follow Jesus’ patterns with people.
He didn’t just give the disciples things to learn; He gave them things to do. He shared His spiritual understanding by teaching, but He also shared His ministry assignment by enlisting and deploying those He taught.
“So Jesus said to them again, ‘… As the Father has sent Me, I also send you’” (John 20:21, NKJV). Jesus got His followers involved in people-changing activity by finding little ways, along the way, to engage them day after day. He didn’t wait for them to graduate from His training course. The need for workers was too great to allow for such delay.
Since 1973, I have believed that any ministry opportunity for me should become one for others, too. That was Jesus’ pattern.
Prayer + Reflection
- Ask yourself: Do I rely too much on teaching, and not enough on utilizing people? Do I believe that I can teach people into ministry? Ask the Lord to shine His light on people in your life who are ready to be utilized and for the confidence to delegate and inspire them.
- What “little things” can I ask people to do, so I have an opportunity to entrust them with “greater responsibilities” in the future (Luke 16:10, NLT)?
- If I presume that my leadership style and approach is the main reason why I cannot mobilize my congregation, what should I change about how I lead? Ask God for courage and the ability to change as needed.