Be yourself—this statement has always spoken to me when I am straining in settings where I’m tempted to compare myself to others. Ephesians 4:7 tells us: “But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ” (KJV).

The Lord knows that we, living in community, will be tempted to try to be someone else, compete or duplicate what someone else is doing. He therefore inspired Paul to tell us how it works: one man, each man’s measure.

God has gifted us all differently, individually and ministry-wise. We are at our best when we operate within God’s call on our lives. David knew this as a kid; when his mentor asked him to put on the armor (therefore, to be like the mentor in battle), David refrained.

Being himself made David into the king and legend we all know today.

God has set you and your ministry aside. Remember: You are at your best when you just be yourself!

Prayer + Reflection

  1. Think about times you’ve tried to act like someone else, rather than yourself, in ministry. Repent, and ask God to help you be content in who He’s designed you to be.
  2. Thank God for the unique gifts He’s given you for ministry. Ask God how you can use those talents in new ways to serve Him.
  3. Ask the Lord for courage to humbly be yourself in situations where you feel uncomfortable.

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