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We have embraced Foursquare’s Four-Stage Development Model of making disciples (stage one), developing leaders (stage two), multiplying churches (stage three) and mobilizing missionary movements (stage four), and our mission has become laser-focused.

Foursquare President Glenn Burris Jr. outlined these four components with distinct targets during Connection 2011 in Columbus, Ohio, and he added one more: financial resourcing.

Keeping the first three of these in focus has become the responsibility of the National Church Office (NCO): making disciples of people groups (i.e., being a multigenerational and multiethnic family); developing leaders (i.e., pre-service and in-service training); and multiplying healthy, reproducing churches.

These three targets are the what that drives our efforts and invests our resources. We are developing a framework by which to measure the outcomes. The how will be defined by the context of the local church and district.

Making Disciples

Every local church must give attention to making disciples, with particular focus on children, youth and young adults, in order for the Four-Stage Development Model to be effective. We must also assess the demographics of those living in our towns and cities, and have a plan to reach every people group.

Developing Leaders

Our framework will consist of the following: being (personal formation), thinking (ministry formation) and doing (skill formation).

Core competencies for Foursquare credentialed ministers are being identified. We are forming a national resource network that will implement the contributions of fruitful churches and proven leaders.

We will also take advantage of effective tools, such as easy web access for continuing education, shadowing opportunities and affinity-based learning groups. Our online administrative resource and council training will be available this fall.

Multiplying Churches

Research is taking place among our fruitful practitioners and other church planting networks across the nation. A common set of non-negotiables is emerging: excellent assessment, training and coaching.

We are developing a creative funding model that will involve partnership with the planter, the sponsoring church and the funding pool.

Church multiplication is being revived among our young leaders, churches and districts across the nation. On Wednesday night at Connection 2011, under the theme, “Accelerate—The Whole Gospel to the Whole World,” the front of the auditorium was filled with people who had recently planted churches, along with many others who sensed a call either to plant a church or parent a church plant.

Our goal is to invest our energies and resources in this laser-focused mission. We are completing our district evaluations, and are discovering that churches and districts are becoming cohesive and prepared for catalytic movement in mission.

By: Tammy Dunahoo, general supervisor of The Foursquare Church

is the former general supervisor of The Foursquare Church. She now serves as the dean at Portland Seminary.