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Have you ever considered that you are part of the gift of God through His Son, Jesus? Consider the words of the apostle Paul: “For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters” (Rom. 8:29, NIV).
At this Christmas season, we celebrate the coming of Jesus, the Incarnate One, God with us. Play the story out further, and you will discover that Jesus really was the gift that keeps on giving.
And He keeps on giving through you and me. What an incredible thought! This gift never becomes outdated and never wears out; it is renewed and multiplied through time. Jesus was the firstborn among many!
Romans 8:28-30 teaches us that we have been predestined to become like Him, conformed to His image, so that His goodness, His character and His ministry will fill the earth.
We have focused this year on the theme “Multiply,” and I pray that you and your church community have been encouraged and challenged to remember and live out the scriptural directive to make disciples; and I pray that those disciples will be multiplied throughout the whole earth.
What would it be like if our world were saturated with people intentionally living and telling the Good News? In an age when the news media are constantly breaking bad news, the multiplication of disciples of Jesus portraying and proclaiming the gospel breaks in on the scene to tell a different story. Ours is a story of faith, hope and love, the gifts that can be multiplied to billions and change the world.
As you celebrate this Christmas season, I pray that you will embrace the gift you have been given—and the gift you are—so that grateful generosity becomes the tagline of your story.
How You Can Pray
At Christmastime, it’s so important not only to focus on giving, but also to give thanks for all our gifts, starting with Jesus and the Good News of salvation. Share that Good News with others this holiday season. Praying with us? Include what you are praying for in a comment below.
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