Women’s Leadership Collective is about identifying, equipping, and releasing women to lead in all spheres of life. Whether you lead from the kitchen counter with your kids, the board room of your non-profit, your dorm room, or the pulpit on Sunday morning; you have purpose and influence. Your voice not only matters but it is needed. We are motivated by the gospel and compelled to live in such a way that advances the work of the Lord. All hands on deck. Men and women leading side by side to see His kingdom come.

We are Women’s Leadership Collective.

WLC Call with Natalie Runion

Natalie’s Website

WLC Call with Maureen Broderson

Maureen’s Website
Victorious Spiritual Warfare

WLC Call with Trey Abney

Resources from the call

WLC Call with Jessie Cruickshank


WLC Call with Stacey Schaub

Resources from the call