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Pastor A.J. Swoboda asks fellow Foursquare leaders a compelling question: “We worship the God who invented the weekend—but why don’t we Sabbath?”

Sharing a devotional flowing from the text of Exodus 20:8-11, A.J., who serves as senior pastor of Theophilus Church (Hawthorne Foursquare Church) in Portland, Ore., addresses the vital task of reclaiming the practice of Sabbath.

Filled with humor and conviction, and shared from a place of compassionate struggle, A.J.’s message at Foursquare Connection 2016 was a gripping moment that led many present and watching online to reflect on their current rhythms of work and rest.

Have we gotten stuck in the worship of time, and the false idea that our ministry world depends on us? Are we trying to out-work God?

Take 15 minutes and watch the full devotional. Then, consider what adjustments you need to make as you take the gospel that is for all and apply it to yourself.

To see more from Connection 2016, click here.