In the midst of racial turmoil, President-Elect Randy Remington brought together eight black leaders to lead the Foursquare family through a time of prayer and lament. The online event—which followed three days of prayer, fasting and lament—was a time of “intercession and encouragement,” said Randy, who went on to say that the Foursquare family is “contending for something that God wants to do by His Spirit, through our lives, in this day and in this hour.”

The event includes prayers from Jennifer Thigpenn, lead pastor of The Oasis (Panorama Full Gospel Foursquare Church) in Mission Hills, Calif.; Marcus Rabb, lead pastor of Impact City in Inglewood, Calif.; Antonio Sims, senior pastor of True Worship Church (Ferndale Metro Foursquare Church) in Ferndale, Mich.; Nakisha Wenzel, co-pastor of King’s City Church (Kings Mountain Foursquare Church) in Kings Mountain, N.C.; Ruth Hudson, co-pastor of Restoration Church (Huntsville Foursquare Church) in Madison, Ala.; Lucindra Williams, director of LifeGroups at Lifehouse (San Antonio North Foursquare Church) in San Antonio; Aaron Hunter, assistant to Paul Otremba, Foursquare Missions International area missionary to Central and South America; and Billy Foster, senior pastor at Bethel Family Church (Sedalia Foursquare Church) in Sedalia, Mo. Worship was led by Life Pacific University students Johnny Knox and Jenny Donis.

Watch the full one-hour event. Note that due to technical difficulties, there is a slight echo through part of the event.
