Kevin Twombly, Healthy Culture Task Force Chair, provides a high-level overview of how the Task Force is responding to the recommendations from Foursquare Connection 2022 and Guidepost Solutions in the video that first aired at Connection 2023.

Over the past year, the Foursquare leadership has been actively working to foster a healthy culture where Foursquare members and leaders can be confident that grievances will be handled with care, efficiency, and with a biblical framework.

Julie Myers-Wood, CEO of Guidepost Solutions, outlines the scope of work and specific recommendations to Foursquare, many of which have been implemented in this last year. Additionally, Ric Guerra, D.B.A., COO of The Foursquare Church, illustrates how Foursquare is responding to, and implementing the recommendations from Guidepost Solutions.

The Foursquare Church is committed to leading in the way of Jesus with humility, integrity, mercy, and stewarding power to protect, provide for and empower others. As we move towards a healthier culture, together, resources and ongoing communication can be found by visiting