The next round of Missional Investment Funding (MIF) based on extension tithes and Foursquare Monthly Church Reports (FMCRs) remitted for the six-month period of January 1, 2023, through June 30, 2023, will be processed in the second week of October 2023.

Important updates about the MIF process

Verifying eligibility and payment: In early September 2023, Foursquare Hub 2.0 will display a MIF Eligibility Report, where authorized users can view the number of approved FMCRs posted, tithable income reported, and extension tithe payments received for the six-month period. This view will also provide links to make corrections to FMCR reports or make updated payments to ensure the church meets the eligibility requirements communicated by the Foursquare board of directors earlier this year. These requirements include:

  • Six complete FMCR Missional and Financial Reports that have been approved by the authorized church personnel (senior/co-pastor or designee).
  • Extension tithe payments that total 10 percent or higher of the tithable income reported for the corresponding report periods. Please note, since 2021 electronic and check/coupon payments are labeled by the church to indicate their corresponding monthly report period.

The MIF Eligibility Report will confirm whether these criteria have been met according to the database, and authorized church users will have until September 30, 2023, to process any necessary corrections to the reporting or payment history displayed.

Note: This MIF Eligibility Report will only be available to users authorized to submit or approve Foursquare Monthly Church Reports. These permissions are assigned and approved through district offices.

New option to redirect the Missional Investment Funding

In response to increasing interest and requests for ways to fund shared Foursquare initiatives, an option has been built into the MIF Eligibility Dashboard where authorized users can elect to redirect the church’s missional investment funding by percentage into one or more of the following categories:

  • New global workers and projects (Foursquare Missions International)
  • New pastors and churches (Foursquare Multiply)
  • Transitions for senior pastors and restarting churches (Church Health and Transformation)
  • Next generation of students (NextGen Ministries and Life Pacific University)