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Foursquare Pastor Elaine Chi—senior pastor of Home of Grace (Northridge Chinese Foursquare Church) in Northridge, Calif.—once helped plant a Chinese church in Las Vegas, holding services on Mondays at 11 p.m. Meeting at this unconventional hour enabled her and the fledgling congregation to reach Chinese immigrants working in the restaurants and casinos, who typically can’t attend church services on Sundays.

God had called Elaine and her co-pastor husband, Robert, to reach out with the love of Christ to the Chinese community, and they prayed for innovative approaches to share the gospel. Small group Bible studies began to spring up in restaurants and salons, wherever Chinese people worked and were willing to listen to the good news of Jesus Christ.

The Power of One Woman, part of the Power of One: Story video series produced by The Foursquare Church, shares Elaine’s vision for reaching the 3 million Chinese people who live and work in the United States. See firsthand the fruit of Elaine’s story, and watch as her innovation is beginning to impact The Foursquare Church in other parts of the country, too.

Elaine demonstrates an important principle of 21st-century evangelism by answering the question: “How will you bring the church to people?” Elaine’s vision includes establishing a community center where people can learn English, translation services and, of course, small-group fellowship to help people grow in their faith in Christ.

“We are like their family away from their family,” Elaine says, “and that is very important to them.”

Watch the full video to learn more about how one person can make a big impact.