Tammy Dunahoo, DLd, who previously served Foursquare as general supervisor, is transitioning from her current role as director of leader health + development. Beginning June 1, Tammy will serve as the executive dean of Portland Seminary, part of George Fox University in Portland, Ore.

Tammy is perhaps best known in Foursquare as someone who forged new pathways for current and future leaders. She not only raised up leaders, but also invested in them, mentored them and offered them a seat at the table. As a former pastor herself, Tammy designed cohorts that included female senior pastors and female leaders with a high capacity for leadership; they were offered support, development and other leadership opportunities.

Foursquare’s President Randy Remington recalls that she has “been a champion of so many voices in our family who are now in key positions of leadership, and Tammy was one of the first people to really see them, see God’s grace in their lives, and call them out and up into these roles that they’re serving in today.”

Called to lifelong ministry

Last summer, Tammy—together with her husband, Gary Dunahoo—spent significant time in prayer as they began sensing a transition was coming. Two days after informing President Randy Remington that she believed God was calling her to a new season, Tammy received further confirmation when Portland Seminary called. Now, Tammy will split her time between her home in Arkansas and Portland.

“Tammy paved roads for others to follow. And as I look around this movement today, I can identify all of the leaders that are on the road today because Tammy paved the way.” —Wendy Nolasco, general supervisor of The Foursquare Church

“There are trees planted all over the place that will bear fruit for generations because of Tammy Dunahoo,” says Ted Vail, D.I.S., who serves as senior vice president of global operations for The Foursquare Church, and has served with Tammy for several years. “Pioneer work is lonely work. Pioneer work means that you’re not always sure if anybody sees, but we see, and we certainly see now because we see the fruit of what you’ve done.”

“This has been my life ministry,” says Tammy, who became credentialed with Foursquare in 1999 and went on to become a district supervisor, lead Women in Ministry Leadership, become Foursquare’s first female general supervisor, and a presidential candidate in 2019; she also served on Foursquare’s board of directors and the Foursquare cabinet. “I want to develop leaders with a spiritual formation emphasis,” she adds. “I do not believe we can train leaders the way we have in the past and expect them to be effective for the future church.”

Tammy, who will maintain her Foursquare license, looks forward to continuing to connect with Life Pacific University, where Tammy has served on the board and has been an adjunct professor. Now, LPU sends her out into a new season with the title of “trustee emerita,” an honor LPU rarely bestows.

“I look forward to attending commencements as well as offering support to [President] Angie Richey, Ph.D., and [Chairman] Mike White,” says Tammy. “They have been strong advocates for me and proponents of me being able to step into this next season that fulfills my sense of calling.”

“Dr. Tammy Dunahoo’s appointment is a testament to her leadership and unwavering commitment to biblical higher education,” affirms Angie. “While at different schools, we look forward to partnering in mission, serving students and championing theological education.

Called to grow

In addition to maintaining lifelong friendships she has made in Foursquare, Tammy will continue speaking at Foursquare churches occasionally, as well as consulting with churches. “My heart is to help local churches,” she states. “It’s about growing people and making disciples. Jesus is the only leader and Lord of the church. And that, for me, is what leadership is really all about. It’s being the best follower of Jesus I can be.”

Tammy completed her Master of Arts in Ministry Leadership and received a Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives at Portland Seminary. As she begins looking toward retirement, she wants first to extend the work she started at Foursquare by continuing to grow current and future leaders. Tammy says that studying with the school was “profound in my life, and it’s a thrill for me to lead the seminary to watch others learn spiritual practices, disciple-making and the importance of lifelong formation.”

Just as Foursquare is called to “interdenominational and worldwide evangelism,” the Seminary supports interdenominational learning, bringing together nearly 50 denominations from 40 states. Beyond just her vocation, Tammy says that her life goal is to “give everyone a place and a voice to feel connected to the body of Christ.”

Current General Supervisor Wendy Nolasco concludes: “Tammy paved roads for others to follow. And as I look around this movement today, I can identify all of the leaders that are on the road today because Tammy paved the way. I think of Tammy’s impact like if you were to drop a stone into a lake and the ripples that will go out. I believe we have not even begun to fully see her impact.”