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I love this story: One of our pastors recently had his house roofed, then received a call from the contractor who wanted him to talk to a prospective customer (another pastor) who lived in an adjacent city. When the two connected, the Foursquare pastor asked how he could help. The prospective “customer” said he wasn’t interested in talking about roofing, instead wanted to know what our pastor thought about Jesus. Though a little startled, he responded with some strong comments about Jesus (Savior, Healer, Baptizer and Soon-Coming King). He then asked him what he thought about the Holy Ghost. The Foursquare pastor continued by celebrating the works of the Spirit in his life and in the life of the church.
He then said, “Congratulations, you are the guest speaker at our spring church conference that begins in a few weeks. God told me that He was going to lead me to our opening speaker and you are the man!” The Foursquare pastor was quite surprised and respectfully said that he needed to make sure that “his” calendar was clear. He was immediately informed, “You can check your calendar if you wish, but God has already cleared your schedule!”
The Foursquare pastor reminded the other pastor that their towns were arch rivals especially in high school football and that he (the Foursquare pastor) had played football against their high school team. He was concerned that this rivalry might be an issue. The pastor on the other end of the phone got quiet. Then he proclaimed, “We won’t tell them that until AFTER you’ve preached!” They both laughed. Now the Foursquare pastor is planning on taking his entire congregation to the opening service of the conference. I wish I could be there. It ought to be something!
Ever been “surprised” by the Lord during a conversation? Remember the two men on their way to Emmaus? They certainly had not expected to have the Lord show up and join their conversation, but he did. Of course, it took them some time before they realized who he was. The Lord loves to visit and to show up when we least expect him.
I’d like to challenge you during this season, not only to pay closer attention to his presence, but go ahead…extend an invitation. I bet He’ll come. Wouldn’t it be great to announce Him as the guest speaker for your next conference?
“‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.'” Isaiah 55:9: (NKJV)
By: Glenn Burris, Jr., general supervisor