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News radio recently aired a program that featured several military leaders discussing the volatility of various situations around the world. One man, a respected general in the armed forces, spoke of the weighty responsibility of deploying troops into active conflict. At one point in the general’s story, his voice changed and became charged with emotion as he spoke the seven words that become the credo of those sent to accomplish a military mission: “Run toward the sound of the guns.”

I could not escape the spiritual implications of that statement in regard to my commitment to Christ and His higher calling. Christians are called to a lay down their lives. It is no accident that our annual convention often takes place on Memorial Day weekend. Our God is a God of memorials! He doesn’t miss a single tear, drop of blood spilled or long-fought battle for life in the face of death.

As our Foursquare family gathers in Dallas, we come with expectancy for a new season. The theme, “Multiply” is a trumpet sound commissioning us to a fresh dedication to the calling that He has placed upon The Foursquare Church.

Deuteronomy speaks of the choice God’s people must make to obey and follow Him, or to turn aside from His commands and ways. Deuteronomy 30:19 states: “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live” (NIV).

In order for God to multiply His life through us, we must choose obedience. As we make that choice, God’s unquenchable life will begin to flow to us and through us, enabling us to reach those to whom we have been sent. We are at a crossroads. This is my choice: Live! Multiply!

I was moved to tears by a warrior who cried—a general who leads his troops into battle, but who has a heart that can be broken. My prayer is that I will allow God to cause my heart to be broken by the condition of a lost world, and that I will be stirred to stand and fight for Christ’s kingdom to come to Earth. I am ready to commit to action that is costly for the sake of seeing His kingdom multiplied and for the sake of those He came to set free.

Connection 2014’s theme of “Multiply” reflects Genesis 1:28: “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth.” (NKJV). So be it! May the passion poured into us by the Holy Spirit stir the flames of a new zeal within our movement and enable us to become a multiplier of multipliers. Let’s enter this Memorial Day and our Foursquare Connection together with a zeal that ignites a worldwide revival!

By: Helen Melahouris, administrative assistant to the president of The Foursquare Church and assisting minister at Pathway Christian Fellowship (Northridge Foursquare Church) in Northridge, Calif.