As a recent church-planter, I realize one of the greatest responsibilities and privileges is leading people.
I have found that what I believe about people is how I will relate to them and treat them. I began to search the Word for examples of leaders and how Jesus led His disciples. It became clear that Jesus believed in people before they deserved it.
Jesus took great risks with His disciples. It was said they had “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6, NKJV). He saw something in them and spent time with them, calling them to greatness. Gideon was a total wimp until an angel of the Lord called him a “mighty man of valor” (Judg. 6:12). Then, something in Gideon began to believe the words spoken over him, and he became a mighty man. Barnabas took on those who proved to be to difficult for others and turned them into great leaders (Acts 9:26-27). How? He saw past their mistakes and pulled on their potential. I want to lead like that!
This Week’s Prayer Focus [5 in 5]
Personal Prayer:
1. God, give us Your heart for the people we are leading.
2. Lord, we declare that we believe the best about the people You have entrusted to us.
3. Father, help me to be a catalyst for good in people’s lives.
Foursquare Focus:
4. Pray for guidance as we prepare to honor mothers at Mother’s Day services at Foursquare churches around the U.S. this Sunday.
5. Please pray that God will provide coverage for pastors and leaders planning to attend Foursquare Connection 2018, that their responsibilities will be taken care of as they are refreshed.
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