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I can hardly describe the joy of getting off the airplane after an all night flight from California to Charlotte, N.C. There is nothing quite like home! Not to take anything away from Los Angeles, where Debbie and I have grown to love the climate, celebrate the diversity and embrace a season of unparalled opportunity of working with Pastor Jack, the officers and the national church office staff, all while serving the credentialed ministers in Foursquare. We’ve settled in nicely and we’ll continue to contribute from the central offices as long as the Lord pours out His grace and mercies on us.

However, California isn’t home. When I get off the plane in North Carolina, I know within 24 hours that I’ll need to find a Cracker Barrel and order some grits, biscuits and gravy. I can almost smell the Carolina barbeque as I’m writing this devotional. The smell of spring—the daffodils, dogwoods and redbud trees—is in the air. I can’t wait until Debbie and I can drive up to the mountains and take a deep breath of cool air as we gaze across the Blue Ridge vistas. Also getting to see my mom and brothers tops the list!

Jesus also talked about His home. In John 14, He mentions that in His Father’s house are many rooms. He even talks about getting there ahead of us and making sure that the place is well prepared for our arrival. He asked us to not to worry, but to consider it a done deal.

All I know is that I love to tell people about my home, the special places, and all that makes North Carolina unique. But nothing I might describe could ever compare to a place where sin, sickness and sadness have been banned. A place where time doesn’t leave us empty handed or old. A place where God will dwell with us in the fullness of His glory and we’ll get to see Him face to face.

Jesus, we can’t wait to see your home. I bet it is the coolest, and the good news is we’ll have the rest of eternity for You to show us around!

“In My Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” -John 14:2 (NKJV)

By: Glenn Burris Jr., general supervisor