“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matt 11:28-30, NIV).
It’s summer! Take a step back, give yourself a break, and create some memories for yourself and your family.
I mean it. You need to take a step back and rest. Jesus’ life models this for us. He was very busy and surrounded by needs, but He purposefully took times of rest.
Do whatever it takes to make rest happen. If you need help working out how to practically do it, reach out to your church leaders, your area pastor or your district team.
We talk a lot about mission and reaching a broken world, but we will never reach that world if we are not resting as we work. Let the pace slow and take some time off. Search for and grab hold of the call to “rest” that Jesus has gifted to us.
EARLY BIRD PRICE AVAILABLE NOW: Grab your calendar + make plans... Northwest Foursquare Leader Conference (FLC) is October 13-15, 2022! Both Online + In-person in Spokane, WA. Full Info + Register HERE
NEW LEAD PASTOR COHORT: New lead pastors + co-lead pastors + spouses are invited to join the new cohort designed to support and develop new lead pastors with monthly meetings featuring training by experts on 10 key topics, breakout time in a coach-led small group and flex time for further dialogue. Other (non-new) lead pastors are also welcome to join. Additionally, a video library of the training recordings will be developed for on-demand use by lead pastors and other pastors and leaders. More Info + Register HERE
HELPFUL RESOURCE FOR CHURCHES: This training video from The Foursquare Church is designed to help pastors and church leaders minimize the risk of—and prepare for an appropriate response in—an active shooter situation. Watch the full training video, and find additional resources HERE
CALLING THE MISSIONS-MINDED: Join us for a time of revitalization, growing, and learning. Meet and grow with other missionary workers and missions experts. Who should come? All mission-minded families, couples, and individuals are welcome! If you have a heart to get your church more involved in supporting missions or are currently serving on the field this is the camp for you. Learn More + Register HERE
SUMMER READING: Looking for some great summer reads? Check out the books the Foursquare Northwest team are reading and loving HERE.