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Need a break? The front cover of Reader’s Digest (February 2007) reads, “Stressed Out, Burned Out … How to Recharge.” The primary article of this issue included a quote from a poll that said more than half of the workers surveyed reported they are under a great deal of stress; 77 percent reported feeling burnout sometimes. It reminds me of the story of David, his 600 men and their battle with the Amalakites recorded in 1 Samuel 30. You’ll recall that the issue stems from the enemy looting, burning and destroying their camp while David and his band of men were out and about. The Amalakites also took their wives and children as hostages. The men of Israel were outraged and distraught.

David managed to turn their anger and frustration toward the pursuit of their enemies. Along the way, at the Besor Ravine, 200 of the men quit on the spot, exhausted and unable to go on. The 400 others (with David’s leadership) pursued their adversaries, caught up with them, rescued their families and returned with a bounty of goods.

When the 400 threatened to withhold any portion of the bounty from the 200 who stayed behind, David intervened by declaring that their victory had come at the hand of the Lord, not of themselves. In just one statement, David leveled the playing field, removed their shame and extended great compassion towards those who had given up. Discerning leaders move quickly to counter adversarial attitudes that challenge community and sponsor partiality. If you need a break today, consider giving someone a break! Jesus said: “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28, KJV). Take Him up on it!

By: Glenn Burris Jr., general supervisor