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The Foursquare Church is pleased to announce its affirmation and appreciation of the National Association of Evangelicals’ (NAE) call to name September 2006 as National Youth Awareness Month (NYAM).
Created to address the current state of youth in America, NYAM will be a time of specific focus on developing and implementing various strategies to increase the size of church youth groups.
First developed as a resolution titled “Engaging and Empowering a Young Generation,” NYAM became one of the key initiatives that was created by youth pastors from various denominations who gathered at the Great Commission Roundtable in March 2006. As a result, the NAE has called upon Ron Luce and his resources with Teen Mania and its BattleCry Leadership Summits to help spearhead this campaign and to help prevent the continuous moral decline of today’s teenage population.
Studies show that only 4 percent of today’s teen population will be Bible-believing Christians when they become adults. This startling statistic is one of the driving forces behind the Wake Up Call BattleCry Leadership Summits, which will provide resources on how to reverse this trend.
“The youth are the future leaders of the church,” stated Pastor Jack Hayford, the President of The Foursquare Church, who serves on NAE’s executive committee as well as Teen Mania’s board of directors. “For the sake of today’s youth, the spreading of the gospel and the growth of our churches, National Youth Awareness Month will aid in strengthening this important part of our congregation and help prevent the church from experiencing a massive loss of believers in the future.”
Rev. James Craft, national youth director of The Foursquare Church, further affirmed: “Our nation needs to hear and feel the heart-beat of America’s youth. NYAM will allow us to come together and release the next generation of young people for kingdom impact.”
Visit to learn more about BattleCry and the Wake Up Call BattleCry Leadership Summits, which will be taking place in 30 cities across the United States beginning in August.