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We hear a great deal about leading and what constitutes effective leadership. In his letter to the Romans, the apostle Paul presented the Lord’s plan for effective serving and leading in the church: “We have different gifts, according to the grace given us … if it is leadership, let him govern diligently” (Romans 12:6,8, NIV). It was with an understanding of this governing pattern that the board of directors of The Foursquare Church was established to guide the church through its various administrative and spiritual responsibilities.

The board of directors comprises appointed members, who provide essential expertise; elected members from the field; and the executive officers. The board has also empowered several committees that carry tremendous responsibilities in key areas. The combined wisdom and counsel provided by the board members and the committee members help us progress toward our mission with focus and discipline.

Board meetings often include spirited debate and lengthy discussion before consensus is reached; but this is easy to understand considering the varied and intricate issues the board processes. The board approves annual budgets and reviews monthly financial practices, including significant decisions regarding properties, loans and credentials. It establishes the field structures for the national church and gives counsel regarding its operations. The board gives guidance to Foursquare’s global missions efforts. It also serves as a strong resource of accountability and counsel to the president. And these are just some of the board’s ongoing contributions!

The board of directors meets at least four times a year for several days of face-to-face meetings; it also conducts monthly conference calls. Other meetings are called as necessary. An executive group of the board convenes weekly in a conference call to address primarily property and credential decisions. The investment of time is significant and often requires that board members sacrifice other important pursuits in order to be engaged with the board.

The board of directors is currently helping to guide our movement through a presidential transition, and it is doing so with much wisdom and grace. I am extremely grateful for the enormous contributions of the board members, and I encourage you to lift them up daily in your prayers.

Learn more about the board committees: Click here to read about each of the committees, what they do, and who serves on them. Also find out more about the new National Church Committee.

Meet the board of directors: Click here to see a list of who is on the board; click on a name to learn more about each board member.

Glenn Burris Jr. is the interim president of The Foursquare Church

is a credentialed minister and freelance editor living in Sacramento, Calif.