The Foursquare Doctrine Committee offers biblical guidance on responding to unhealthy leadership.
On March 6, 2023, members of Foursquare’s Healthy Culture Task Force and representatives from Guidepost Solutions made a joint presentation to the Foursquare cabinet.
What is the Foursquare cabinet?
The cabinet is comprised of women and men elected from every U.S. district, including a broad representation of generations, ethnicities, geography and ministry contexts. Also present were the board of directors, appointed guests and some staff leadership. According to our bylaws, the Foursquare cabinet functions as a part of our governance structure. It is an integral part of reviewing, receiving and recommending reports, agendas and perspectives to the board of directors and, ultimately, the convention body at Connection. Learn more about Foursquare cabinet, as well as who currently serves on the cabinet.
New handbook to release in April
The Healthy Culture Task Force’s presentation encompassed a comprehensive review of the recommendations stemming from Guidepost’s analysis of Foursquare’s policy documents, including a new Foursquare Handbook for Responding to Clergy Misconduct. This presentation also provided a progress report by the Healthy Culture Task Force explaining how Guidepost’s recommendations are being implemented. The task force is working to make the final draft of the handbook and related materials available online at by the end of April 2023.
Healthy and Unhealthy Leadership Statement
The Foursquare board of directors also approved this position statement on Healthy and Unhealthy Leadership drafted by the Doctrine Committee. This resource outlines a biblical and theological framework for understanding healthy and unhealthy leadership, and includes an examination of scriptures related to accusation, investigation, response, restoration and accountability measures for ministry leaders who are accused of misconduct.
Recommendation and Response
A full report of the recommendations made by Guidepost Solutions and The Foursquare Church’s response will be made available to all credentialed ministers prior to Foursquare Connection 2023 in Anaheim, Calif.