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The “perfect storm” of scenarios has created panic across our nation and has had a ripple effect across the seas. The economic turmoil in which our country finds itself has no easy answers. People are rethinking retirement, purchases, real estate issues and more. It is a defining moment. Financial institutions are failing, people are walking away from homes that they purchased and in a general sense, money is tight everywhere … it seems.

I wonder, “Is heaven worried?”

I just happened to be reading in the Book of Lamentations this week. It’s quite depressing to read of Israel’s plight. The temple has been destroyed, the ark is missing, the lamps have gone out, the sacrifices have stopped, no one is declaring vision and their best young leaders have been carried away into captivity. The probable author, Jeremiah, recounts better times. I don’t think you’ll find this book on the “Inspirational Best-Sellers” bookstands at airports.

In the midst of recounting Israel’s great pain, the author raises a declaration. He states that because of God’s great compassion, they can hope for a different future than they are presently experiencing! There is no getting around it: when you’re in pain, you’re in pain. When money is tight, money is tight! But denial is not the answer. Contending for a God-sized intervention is!

Samuel lamented Saul’s removal, until he understood God had a better plan (David). Mary and Martha cried until Lazarus came forth from the tomb. The widow anguished until God delivered oil and flour to her empty vessels. Hannah poured out the bitterness of her soul to the only one who could help her. It’s all right to be vulnerable. Give Him your disappointments and concerns. If He heard Israel’s cry, He’ll hear yours! I’ve got a lifetime of testimonies that give me confidence—and so do you!

“I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.” -Psalm 40:1 (KJV)

By: Glenn Burris Jr., general supervisor