This article is archived. Some links and details throughout the article may no longer be active or accurate.

An obscure shepherd boy, David, was sent to check on his brothers on the frontline of the battlefield in the Valley of Elah, take them some supplies and report back to his father. He was sent by his earthly father on one mission, but God had clearly arranged a different one. David slew Goliath and became Israel’s deliverer.

I have come to appreciate the divine plan beyond the obvious earthly one. Routine plans often have profound heavenly implications. God even uses our earthly plans to help accomplish His. I’m becoming more aware that the events of my life have a heavenly touch to them.

We are all on divine assignment. We have been sent by our heavenly Father to help lead the charge against the gates of hell and rescue those still in bondage. It is that divine assignment that is at the forefront of our theme in Foursquare for 2015: “Sent.”

We want to open our hearts and minds to a fresh perspective and a recommitment to His plan beyond our own. The numbers of people going into eternity every day without hearing the good news are staggering.

Our prayer focus, weekly devotionals and Foursquare Connection in 2015 will be designed around the theme “Sent.” God has “Sent” us. And, as Jesus was, we must be about our Father’s business.

During the year, pastors, leaders and missionaries will be writing devotionals for our weekly Foursquare Leader Prayer email that focus on disciples, churches and movements from the perspective of people being “Sent.”

We might be “Sent” across the street, back home, to another state or even another country. No matter where God has called, or is calling, you, we want to encourage one another and celebrate all that God is doing through our Foursquare family.

I invite you to participate with The Foursquare Church in various denominational and global prayer events throughout 2015:

  • Feb. 1 – National Freedom Day
  • May 7 – National Day of Prayer
  • May 16 – Prayer for the Armed Forces – Armed Forces Day
  • May 24 – Pentecost, Global Day of Prayer
  • June 20 – World Refugee Day
  • Sept.11 – Cry Out America 9/11 Prayer Initiative
  • Sept. 20 – National Back to Church Sunday
  • Sept. 21 – International Day of Peace
  • Oct. 4 – Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem
  • Oct. 26 – Global Day to Pray for the Unreached Peoples of the World
  • Nov. 1 – Orphan Sunday
  • Nov. 8 – International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

The time is now; the message is clear. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16, NIV). I am thankful to partner with you for the coming year as we go forward with a renewed sense of purpose. Till all have heard!

Sign up for the Foursquare Leader Prayer email to have inspirational devotionals from Foursquare leaders, pastors and missionaries sent to your inbox each Monday. And this year, for the first time ever, you can also hear these devotionals read to you by the authors. The Foursquare Leader Devotional launches the first week of January; subscribe now in iTunes.