Foursquare Missions International (FMI) has appointed new area missionaries to serve the North America and South Asia regions.

Emily Plater will serve in a full-time capacity as North America area missionary, filling a role previously held by Jim Scott, who also serves as FMI associate director. The region consists of approximately 2,085 churches and meeting places that minister within many ethnicities and ministry contexts in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

“One of the primary takeaways of last year’s Foursquare Diversity Summit was the recognition for a full-time area missionary to the North America region,” says FMI Director Ted Vail.

“There are two passions in my life: the local church and missions,” Emily states. She grew up attending The Church on the Way (Van Nuys Foursquare Church) in Van Nuys, Calif., and has served La Iglesia En El Camino (Van Nuys Hispanic Foursquare Church) while completing her master’s degree in intercultural studies.

Additionally, Emily worked with Foursquare Missionaries Linda Richey and Tia Linda Ministries, Ted and Sou Olbrich in Cambodia, and as an assisting minister at Stanwood Foursquare Church in Stanwood, Wash.

Eleven area missionaries serve FMI as expansion leaders throughout the nations. They oversee our field missionaries, assist and partner with other nations, and catalyze opportunities for equipping believers and sharing the gospel around the world.

The South Asia region of Foursquare churches welcomes George (last name withheld for security reasons) as the area missionary serving the region, which consists of 4,763 Foursquare churches and meeting places in a huge area of the world with nearly 1.9 billion inhabitants. George will replace Jason (last name withheld), who has led the region during a season of church planting and outreach to unreached people groups.

Ted Vail notes that George is a journeyman FMI missionary with over 30 years of fruitful, global ministry, bringing a wealth of experience and cultural awareness to the area missionary role as he networks global and local leaders to take the gospel to people who have never heard.

George serves with government-recognized and registered charity organizations that provide assistance to orphans, children at risk, widows, recovering drug addicts and other needy members of society in South Asia.

Eleven area missionaries serve FMI as expansion leaders throughout the nations. They oversee our field missionaries, assist and partner with other nations, and catalyze opportunities for equipping believers and sharing the gospel around the world.