Foursquare Disaster Relief has created prayer points linked to passages of Scripture for churches that want to offer intercessory prayer for refugees, particularly for those from Syria and Iraq currently seeking asylum. World Vision and several other partner organizations have built prayer aids for churches and individuals to pray for God to give refugees relief and healing. Some of these aids include pictures and details about specific conditions Syrian refugees are currently facing.
Project Sanctuary: Prayer Points
Discover three starting prayer points, and accompaniment Scriptures, to lead your Foursquare church to pray for refugees as they flee conflict in Syria and Northern Iraq. Created by Foursquare Disaster Relief.
Pray for Refugees
This website created by World Vision, World Relief and several partner organizations offers a guide designed for the Lent season, but applies at any time of year. Stories are accompanied by brief prayers to offer on behalf of refugees—for peace, human dignity and relief of suffering.
Pray for People Affected by Conflict in Syria
This prayer aid for Syrian Refugee includes pictures and descriptions of the conditions and challenges that face those fleeing war-torn nations. Created by World Vision.
Project Sanctuary: Prayer Points
Pray for Refugees
Pray for People Affected by Conflict in Syria