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Holy Spirit Discovery for Kids is an eight-lesson resource for teaching key concepts about the person and work of the Holy Spirit that was created in 2007 by The Foursquare Church. Several creative teaching methods are included with each lesson to help you plan a teaching session that connects kids ages 9-11 years old with the truth from the Bible.

Before you end your teaching session, be sure to allow time for personal ministry and prayer as you encourage kids to receive more of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Talk to your pastor or children’s leader about how to do this most effectively. It is best to discuss your approach ahead of time so everyone understands how the teaching of this subject will impact the lives of the kids you teach.


  • Getting Started

    Please read the "Getting Started" section of this resource before teaching any of the lessons.

  • Lesson 1: Who is the Holy Spirit?

    Objective: The person of the Holy Spirit is a part of the Godhead. He is equal with the Father and the Son because the Holy Spirit is God. In this lesson kids will learn who the Holy Spirit is.

  • Lesson 2: What Does the Holy Spirit Do?

    Objective: The Holy Spirit helps us with everything with which we might need help. In this lesson kids will learn that the Holy Spirit is our helper, comforter, teacher and friend.

  • Lesson 3: The Holy Spirit and New Birth

    Objective: Those who have received Christ have new life from the Holy Spirit. In this lesson kids will learn that when Christ is received as Savior, the Holy Spirit gives new birth to our spirit that was dead because of sin.

  • Lesson 4: The Baptism with the Holy Spirit

    Objective: Jesus is the One who baptizes people with the Holy Spirit. In this lesson kids will learn the truth of the baptism with the Holy Spirit and ask Jesus to baptize them with the Holy Spirit.

  • Lesson 5: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

    Objective: Spiritual gifts are special abilities given by the Holy Spirit to help Christians grow stronger in their relationship with the Lord. In this lesson kids will discover the different kinds of spiritual gifts that are given by God when a person is filled with the Holy Spirit

  • Lesson 6: The Fruit of the Holy Spirit

    Objective: The fruit of the Spirit is outward evidence that the Holy Spirit lives inside the Christian. In this lesson kids will recognize the various ways that a Christian grows to become more like Jesus once they have received the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

  • Lesson 7: Symbols of the Holy Spirit

    Objective: We can see the character of the Holy Spirit through wind, fire, water, a dove and oil. In this lesson kids will see a connection between characteristics of God, the Holy Spirit, and various symbols used in the Bible to describe Him and He does in the life of Christians.

  • Lesson 8: Walking in the Spirit

    Objective: God sent the Holy Spirit to help us everyday. In this lesson kids will learn about the skills and resources God provides to assist Christians everyday so that we can walk victoriously in the Spirit.

  • Getting Started

  • Lesson 1: Who is the Holy Spirit?

  • Lesson 2: What Does the Holy Spirit Do?

  • Lesson 3: The Holy Spirit and New Birth

  • Lesson 4: The Baptism with the Holy Spirit

  • Lesson 5: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

  • Lesson 6: The Fruit of the Holy Spirit

  • Lesson 7: Symbols of the Holy Spirit

  • Lesson 8: Walking in the Spirit
