Foursquare Disaster Relief’s Chad Isenhart came together with Pentecostal World Fellowship to provide this helpful COVID-19 resource, available in five languages. This downloadable and printable resource is especially intended for those navigating COVID-19 outside the U.S., and offers advice on how to prevent the pandemic from spreading, how to care for church members, and how churches can still mobilize during stay-at-home orders.

The Foursquare Church maintains a gracious response of being good citizens as followers of Christ and caring for others by ensuring we follow the guidelines of the medical experts and those who govern.


  • English Brochure

  • Spanish Brochure

  • French Brochure

  • Nepali Brochure

  • Swahili Brochure

  • English Brochure

  • Spanish Brochure

  • French Brochure

  • Nepali Brochure

  • Swahili Brochure
