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Ted Vail, associate director of Foursquare Missions International (FMI) and area missionary to North America, shares a timely message on the importance of coming together as one body in Christ in this audio session recorded live at Conexión Hispana in Dallas during Foursquare Connection 2014. He excellently conveys the urgency of coming together as a movement as well as within each ethnic group.

Listening in on Conexión Hispana is well worth the time because it helps answer the following question: How can you, as a Foursquare pastor or member, play a role in facilitating revival in your home church? Ted teaches the keys to revival by expounding biblical truths on exercising vital elements of a kingdom culture.

Answering the question of what God is doing in our movement in this season, Ted asserts that God is shaping a new culture, a kingdom culture. He emphasizes the importance for us to have times in our particular ethnic groups because, just like in Acts 2, we need to hear God’s truth in our own languages. However, even though God’s truth is confirmed in each language and ethnic group, Ted gives a strong exhortation on coming together as a movement to step into a kingdom culture.

The first half of Conexión Hispana is translated (English to Spanish and vice versa). This is exciting to note because this highlights different ethnic cultures and their languages as a priority within the Foursquare movement. The second half is in Spanish, geared toward Hispanic pastors, as simultaneous ethnic group gatherings were held.

“Listening in on Conexión Hispana is well worth the time because it helps answer the following question: How can you play a role in facilitating revival in your home church?”

The keynote speaker for this Spanish gathering was singer/songwriter and pastor Danilo Montero. Danilo is best known as a worship pioneer who has been influential in revolutionizing Christian music in Latin America. He currently serves as senior pastor of the Hispanic congregation at Lakewood Church in Houston.

Danilo brings a very powerful and transparent message on coming back to the basics. He begins with a compelling emphasis on breaking free from the busyness that ministry life brings. He poses a challenge to Hispanic pastors to think back to when they each began in their walk with the Lord, desiring only His presence and an opportunity to share with others.

Both Ted and Danilo leave us with the call to leave routine behind, dive into a kingdom mentality, and unite as one Foursquare body in Christ.

To see more from Connection 2014, click here.


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