Melinda Kinsman, consultant for Ministry Architects and children’s ministry expert, hosted a workshop at Foursquare Connection 2023 on the following fundamental question: “How can I grow my leadership and steward my ministry in the manner that is most likely to form a lasting faith in children and families within this challenging culture?”

Just as physical training requires intentionality, so does building a personal ministry philosophy. The philosophy is “your deeply rooted values that drive your decisions.” This workshop equips leaders in five general categories to build a ministry philosophy. Below are the resources for each category as well as the full recording of Melinda’s helpful workshop.

Leaders are encouraged to focus on one category for a season, move on to another and repeat. With intention and time, the Holy Spirit will shape your ministry values, providing you with the “why” behind every decision in your ministry, ensuring what you do is rooted in strong, biblically based values that are focused on forming a lasting faith in those you serve.

“How can I grow my leadership and steward my ministry in the manner that is most likely to form a lasting faith in children and families within this challenging culture?”

Children’s discipleship resources

Your leadership



Leaders (Volunteers)

Program + curriculum

Foursquare Connection workshop resources

This article was adapted from the “Growing Your Children’s Ministry Discipleship Muscles” workshop, hosted by Melinda Kinsman at Foursquare Connection 2023. You can find the workshop audio and resources below.