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Jacqueline (Jacque) M. Antoine was born in Morne Jaloux, a small village in the parish of St. George on the island of Grenada. With a population of nearly 110,000, Grenada is the main island of the tri-island state comprising Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Martinique.

As the fifth of 12 siblings, Jacque received Christ when she was just 8 years old. By the time she turned 11, God had already confirmed in her heart that she was going to be a missionary when she grew up.

Jacque completed her master’s degree in theology at Oral Roberts University, and acquired her doctorate in pastoral counseling psychology from Southwest Bible College and Seminary.

She currently serves as dean of the Grenada Bible Institute and has planted three churches in Grenada, a stage-three country in Foursquare’s Four-Stage Development Model. Stage three nations are in the “expand” stage, in which congregations are being multiplied. Jacque describes her No. 1 goal as, simply, winning souls.

What do you love most about Grenada?

Jacque: I live in the northern part of Grenada, in a village called Pearls. This is a small village with, perhaps, between 3,000 and 5,000 inhabitants. It is a beautiful place that is naturally green and lush, with an abundance of fruits and vegetables. What I love most about the village is the friendships I am able to foster and cultivate with the people, especially the children.

In Pearls, I ride the local bus so I can meet more people and share the love of Jesus with them. One added benefit to living in Pearls is the fact that I can walk to the local Foursquare church. I love walking home from church and listening to the children tell me their stories about life and school, and how God is touching their lives.

What motivated you to become a missionary to Grenada?

Jacque: I always knew I was called to serve the indigenous people of Grenada. I love all God’s people, and my own people even more so. I always had a burden for the destitute, of which my island has many. In my youth, God intensified that burden when I spent time serving in prison ministries, orphanages and homes for the elderly in Grenada.

I was initially deployed as a missionary to Trinidad, West Indies, in 2003. However, after the island of Grenada suffered massive destruction from Hurricane Ivan in Oct. 2004, the church needed help. I came to Grenada with direction from the Lord to assist those needing emotional and spiritual healing.

What kinds of challenges do you face?

Jacque: Times are challenging for most of the villagers, and the downturned economy makes it difficult for families to feed and clothe their children. Not many of the people have jobs. Our ministry is in the rural part of the island, and we are challenged by the ongoing migration to the city, where people are looking for jobs and better schooling.

I face some of my greatest challenges when mothers show up at the ministry with children they are unable to feed and who are hungry. It is challenging and faith-building at the same time to lean on God’s provision and learn to depend on Him moment by moment.

The advancement of technology and the influence of media and social networks press hard against the youth in Grenada, and they respond more to these tangible items than placing their trust in God.

What is your vision for the future?

Jacque: Fortunately, we do not face any handicaps in perpetuating the gospel. Grenada is known as a Christian nation, and there is freedom to witness and win souls to Jesus.

It has always been my desire to train and equip leaders to plant healthy, reproducing Foursquare churches. Grenada is made up of six legal parishes, and it is the aim of the Grenada church, by the will of God, to plant a Foursquare church in each parish, and establish Bible institutes of training to facilitate their growth and expansion.

The Lord has granted us a very active youth group, and we work diligently to disciple young people so they can understand the will of God for their lives.

Tell us about one of these young people.

Jacque: One girl, now 17, came to one of our churches when she was 15. She came from a broken family unit and lacked direction for her life. Yet she loves children and had a desire to be a Sunday school teacher. She was given an opportunity to work with the kids, and today, she is our Sunday school administrator, assists in worship, and is a student in the Bible institute. My vision is for more stories like this one.

How to Pray for Jacque

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to work in the lives of young people as church leaders seek to prepare them to be future leaders in the church.
  • Pray for more emerging leaders to be trained and equipped to do God’s will.
  • Pray for two new church plants in the coming year.
  • Pray for revival in Grenada and other Caribbean nations.

How to Support Jacque

Foursquare missionaries are always encouraged by and grateful for any prayers and correspondence they receive. Whether it’s a gift sent on a holiday, or simply a letter or note of encouragement, you can make a difference by expressing your support in a practical way.

To send correspondence to Jacque, send her an email or write to her at the following address:

Jacqueline Antoine
P.O. Box 3265
St. George’s, Grenada, WI

To support Foursquare’s worldwide outreach, donate to the Global Mission Fund. For more about FMI, visit the World Missions Map.

Interview conducted by: Amy Swanson, a pastor’s wife and director of women’s ministry at New Life Church (Santa Barbara Foursquare Church) in Santa Barbara, Calif.

a pastor’s wife and director of women’s ministry at New Life Church (Santa Barbara Foursquare Church) in Santa Barbara, Calif.