This article is archived. Some links and details throughout the article may no longer be active or accurate.

Since its conception in 1981, The Foursquare Church in Hawaii has expanded to include 69 congregations and even more church plants around the world. But while Hawaii is home to many churches, its pastors have collaborated across borders of church buildings, cultures and generations to build effective ministries with healthy foundations.

Across the islands, Foursquare pastors in Hawaii maintain this philosophy: They’re open to different styles of teaching and to learning from one another. As they work together, these leaders discover new ways to accomplish the goal they all share: to lead people to Jesus, disciple their congregations and challenge all people to go and do likewise.

As the church in Hawaii grows, it increasingly encompasses people of all ages and diverse cultures.

“When people talk about being cross-cultural, to us that’s natural,” says Michael Kai, senior pastor of Inspire Church (Waipahu Foursquare Church). “We already grew up in that kind of an environment.”

Fernando Castillo, Hawaii District supervisor, agrees. “It creates a culture of understanding,” he says.

With this understanding come an expanded scope and a healthy view of change. Pastors think cross-culturally, dream globally and unite generationally. Then, as leaders pass the baton to their children, Hawaii’s churches experience freedom to change and reap the benefits of solid foundations set forth by their fathers.

Watch this video to hear stories of Hawaii’s cross-cultural communities, multigenerational leadership and unifying connections that come when learning from one another.

Hawaii: Cultures and Generations Unite from The Foursquare Church on Vimeo.

This video was originally recorded at Connection 2012 and updated in 2016.

is the digital engagement and communications liaison at The Foursquare Church in Los Angeles.