When I was a young pastor, I vigilantly pursued great leaders. I listened to their messages, read their books and tried to spend as much time as possible gleaning from their motivation. I invited them to speak at my congregation. I asked them to play golf or have lunch.

These were leaders who had traveled the road before me. I knew they couldn’t provide everything I needed, but I wanted as much information and insight from them as possible. I knew that God had given us one another. I believed that if I waited for someone to call me—to invest in me—I might wait far too long.

Samuel learned from Eli, even though he was a poor example. Elisha wouldn’t leave Elijah’s side (2 Kings 2:2). Timothy hung out with Paul, despite the massive age difference—Paul called him “a true son in the faith” (1 Tim. 1:1-2, NKJV).

God provided resources and phenomenal leaders of all ages, both inside and outside Foursquare. Learn from the leaders around you. Don’t wait—go initiate a relationship.

Reflect + Pray

1. Who is someone in your sphere of influence who could have much to teach you, regardless of their age? Ask the Lord to reveal them to you, and initiate a friendship with them today.

2. Whom has God placed in your life to mentor? Pray for guidance and wisdom as you fellowship with them.

3. Thank God for the leaders He’s placed in your life, to mentor you. Reach out and thank them personally today.

4. Please lift up Foursquare chaplains as they serve during this busy holiday season, and pray through this monthly list of prayer needs.

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