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The following is a part of our weekly devotional series, which is a companion to the 2013 Foursquare Life Journal. This week’s Bible reading comes from Prov. 25-31; Eccl. 1-12; Psalms 18, 33, 45, 60 and 94; Eph. 1-5; and Rom. 15-16.

The word “cancer” can strike fear in any heart. Mine was no different. After I went through extensive testing at age 70, the doctor gave me the news: I had colon cancer. I had watched many friends and family walk this path. Now it was me.

After my mind caught up to the reality of the diagnosis, the Lord spoke His wisdom to my heart and told me to trust Him, one step at a time. So the decision was made to move forward with what appeared to be a routine surgery. After several days in the hospital and recovering at home, however, I began to experience extreme pain. I was rushed back to the hospital and diagnosed with an infection. The next two weeks were spent fighting it with all the treatments the doctors knew to provide. There were days of frustration, hope, impatience, pain, faith, fear and trauma.

During this painful time, our church family, friends and relatives far and wide were praying, and my dear husband was at my side daily. I had excellent care and lots of loving support, but I felt like God’s presence was slipping away from me.

I finally returned home with the infection gone, but it took months to recover emotionally. I found that my trust in the Lord had gotten lost in the trauma. My question was, “How do I get it back?” Solomon said, in Ecclesiastes 12:9, “Not only was the Teacher wise, but also he imparted knowledge to the people” (NIV). I needed to reach out beyond my perspective and trust others’ wisdom to guide me into a place of healing. And that’s what I did.

It is so hard to admit personal need, especially if we ourselves are always “on call” to meet the needs of others. We must always be strong, we think. But the Lord desires to answer our heart’s cry as we not only open up to Him, but also to those He brings to us with wisdom to help restore our trust once again. 

If you find yourself in that place, be encouraged and pray along with the Psalmist in Ps. 94:17-19 (NIV):

“Unless the Lord had given me help, I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death. When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’ Your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, Your consolation brought me joy.”

Do you feel like your foot is about to slip out from under you? The Lord’s love promises to support us and relieve us from anxiety with His comfort that brings joy.

It’s wise to trust.

By: Dorene Amstutz has been involved for more than 50 years—along with her husband, John—with The Foursquare Church in pastoral, missionary, teaching and mentoring ministry. The Amstutzes have four married children, 10 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Dorene has published poetry and a lesson guide for small groups on the subjects of anxiety and depression.

Download the yearlong reading plan (PDF, 80 KB), or sign up for the full, online version of the Life Journal. To purchase a Life Journal for your own use, or to place a bulk order for church-wide use, visit Learn more about Foursquare’s 2013 Life Journal project.