“Wide Open to Nations and Peoples” was the theme for the missions night focus on Wednesday May 27th, at Foursquare Connection 2009 in Anaheim. The entire evening was a great celebration of what God is doing in our global Foursquare family. Some of the highlights included: Brazilian Grammy Award winner Soraya Moraes who added a special touch to the evening when she sang her anointed song “Rain”, and two powerful messages were shared, first by Pastor Hanney Mandey, General Chairman of the Foursquare Church in Indonesia and then Pastor Leopold Banzubaze, National Leader of the Foursquare Church in Burundi, Africa.
We celebrated all that God has done over this last year which now totals more than 57,000 churches who together led over nearly 2.5 million people to Jesus Christ last year!
We rejoice together with you and our entire global Foursquare family, looking ahead with excitement and anticipation to the “Open Doors” that lie ahead for our future!