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Mitchell Hults was recognized as a hero when he returned to school last week. He didn’t think it was a big deal, but the rousing welcome he received proved him wrong. They gave him a standing ovation. What Mitchell did was simply observe a truck that seemed out of place in his neighborhood. He paid enough attention to detail that it led police in the neighboring city of Kirkwood, Mo., to discover two young boys that had been missing: William “Ben” Ownby for four days and Shawn Hornbeck for four years. They’re calling it the “Miracle in Missouri.”

Few people could avoid keeping a dry eye if they witnessed the early news conferences on Saturday, January 13, that showed the smiling faces of the reunited families, gave them a chance for a brief statement and a limited time for questions and answers. The many officers (FBI, local police, sheriff department and others) that were there that day seemed equally joyful. It will be a weekend this nation will not soon forget, although the step-father (a fireman) of Shawn said that when a crisis is over, many people slide back into the routine of life, forgetting the ever-present dangers and unsolved issues around them. There is also a high degree of probability that this case would have gone unresolved without the intervention of a teenager who was alert and attentive. Thanks, Mitchell, from all of us!

The Apostle Peter declares, “Be alert, vigilant, careful and keep a cool head … watch out … your great enemy [Satan] prowls around, looking for some victim to seize and devour” (1 Peter 5:8). The next time you’re out for a leisurely stroll, a long ride in the country or taking a trip across town, be aware that the kingdom of darkness is actively pursuing its next victim. Let’s be a part of the “rescue” team. Sign me up! Where are the binoculars?

By: Glenn Burris Jr., general supervisor