This article is archived. Some links and details throughout the article may no longer be active or accurate.

In ministry, there are moments that ripple across generations and national boundaries. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, for example, resulted in the gospel going into many nations.

Likewise, throughout the Scripture, as well as in our own day, we see the Spirit moving, crossing generational, national and cultural boundaries.Yaseer Handall-Mendoza can testify to this, beginning with the ministry of Larry Lea, who shared the gospel with him through a translator. The seed sown spread its roots across Yaseer’s family, and expanded out from the U.S. and into Mexico.

Cross-cultural ministry can be overwhelming to many of us, even when we would love to be a part of reaching the nations. The hurdles of communication have prevented ministers from taking the first step. But when Larry Lea reached to Yaseer with the Good News of Jesus Christ, he influenced beyond his own culture and started a chain reaction of cross-cultural ministry in the life of the Handall family.

As Yaseer and his wife, Monique, share in this QuickTalk, recorded live at Connection 2014 in Dallas, our actions can create a chain reaction that extends the boundaries of God’s kingdom here on Earth.

It doesn’t have to start with language school, 1,000 hours of cultural saturation and a Ph.D. in missiology. Do you have eyes to see other cultures as potential citizens of heaven? Are you willing to be renewed and equipped by the Word and the Holy Spirit?

If so, take a few minutes to watch the QuickTalk from Yaseer and Monique, and receive the prayer of impartation as prayed at Connection. Then go in faith to be a part of the Foursquare movement to reach every tribe, every tongue and every nation with the gospel of Jesus Christ!

To see more from Foursquare Connection 2014, click here.