“What is God doing in our neighborhoods, and in the world, and how can we join Him in that?”
Tammy Dunahoo, general supervisor of The Foursquare Church, asked this question during Foursquare Connection 2016 in Honolulu.
As a movement, we have identified three Missional Objectives: (1) leadership development; (2) church and congregation multiplication; and (3) church transformation. These objectives are not met in a central boardroom. They are met in the everyday, faith-motivated actions of the local church.
In 2015, U.S. Foursquare churches began receiving a return of the extension tithe. The goal was to facilitate more missional activities that align with our Missional Objectives and result in more Great Commission results.
Watch Tammy Dunahoo interview Will Fillingham, Mario Barahona and James Ranger III, and be inspired by these Foursquare pastors who saw God do amazing things as they used these resources for His kingdom purposes.
To see more of Connection 2016, click here.