Foursquare Missions International and the Global Missions Fund (GMF) have mobilized workers to establish a network of more than 100,000 churches in 150 nations and territories. This video, which debuted at Foursquare Connection 2019 in Nashville, Tenn., presents dramatic testimonies of how God is using Foursquare workers to serve remote people groups worldwide.
New works in Eastern Europe include 31 congregations in Ukraine. The GMF helped workers in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia strategically reach 21 unreached people groups sharing the gospel with people who have never heard about the love of Jesus Christ.
People who have come to Christ because of the GMF never can share their testimonies in public. We will not see their faces online. Still, this video details how God is using Foursquare Missions and the GMF to reach people whom God loves deeply.
To see more from Connection 2019, click here.