We hope you are experiencing great grace in this season we find ourselves in. We are praying for you daily and “asking that you may be filled with knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, as you bear fruit in every good work and as you grow in the knowledge of God” (Col. 1:9-10, NRSV).
We are writing to share an update about the refinement of the role of co-pastor. Though we have had this appointment available for quite some time, we have not given a clear description of the intent. We believe in shared leadership and see it clearly portrayed in Scripture. In Ephesians 4, Paul gives us a wonderful model of the varied gifts given to equip the church. We would like to share some work that was done by our National Church Committee some time ago and that our board of directors has approved to endorse the role of co-pastor.
Included in this article is a video explaining the heart of this direction and an outline that gives the distinctions between a co-pastor and an assisting minister. The intent is to provide you and your church council with resources to help you identify and honor the gifts of the leaders on your team and hopefully provide helpful descriptions as you consider their contribution and compensation.
There are specific ways that you will see this used by your Foursquare teams who support you. As we move forward, your district and credentialing teams will begin aligning future requests for co-pastor appointments with the resources outlined. We wanted to inform you and invite you into this understanding before you encounter it.
- If you currently have a co-pastor serving as outlined in the document but who is not appointed as such, please contact your district administrator so the appointment to co-pastor can be made.
- If you have a co-pastor appointed who does not fit the description but rather serves in the role of an assisting minister, please change their appointment. Making a change in appointments from co-pastor to assisting minister does not in any way devalue the contribution the minister has made to the church; it is just the opportunity to more clearly define the intent of the co-pastor appointment.
If you have any questions, your district is prepared to serve you as we partner together toward more and growing leaders together on mission.
All senior pastors and co-pastors should take time to review this 3-minute video and possibly take action to realign roles in their church with their church council and district office.
Distinctions Between Roles
- A co-pastor shares an equal distribution of responsibility and congregational leadership authority alongside the senior pastor.
- A co-pastor shares decision-making processes with the senior pastor.
- A co-pastor, together with the senior pastor, shares oversight of congregational decisions. A co-pastor collaborates with church councils. The senior pastor serves as the chairperson of the council.
- A co-pastor’s salary and benefits are complementary to the senior pastor.
Assisting Pastor
- Assisting ministers generally serve as an assistant pastor overseeing youth, children, visitation, administration or worship ministries, or hold another ministry title assigned by the senior pastor. Assisting ministers report to and serve under the authority of the senior pastor.
- All major plans, programs and policies under the guidance of an assisting pastor should be discussed with the senior pastor and should not be implemented without his or her approval.
- Assisting ministers may meet with the council and serve the congregation ︎under the senior pastor’s leadership.
- Assisting ministers often receive smaller salaries than the senior pastor, and sometimes they serve without compensation.